IBDP Global Politics Teacher Toolkit
Guiding IB educators towards success
$ 199

An explainer below on how this Ibtrove toolkit will deepen your knowledge of DP Global Politics!
An explainer below on how this Ibtrove toolkit will deepen your knowledge of DP Global Politics!
Practical tools, classroom examples, and content from a DP Coordinator, regional workshop leader, IB regional association board member, and experienced DP GloPo teachers.
Scope & Sequence and Unit Plan explanations to help you plan your course
Assessment examples so you can better prepare and accurately grade your students
Assessment examples so you can better prepare and accurately grade your students
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Easy-to-understand explanations for all subject guide elements to help you improve your knowledge.
70+ printable downloadable resources and informative graphics to use in your classroom and deepen your knowledge.
Student assessment samples (for both the EAs and IAs) to help you mark your students' assessments more accurately.
Design your scope & sequence after looking through experienced teacher examples.
Digital Workbooks
Your digital workbook is designed to help expand your work on the core concepts within each online session. A wide range of activities, real classroom examples, infographics, and self-assessments will help enhance your understanding of each concept as it relates to your specific DP and MYP subjects.
Each digital workbook is downloadable and may be be printed when you begin your Ibtrove session. Consider it your unique repository of observations and reflections that you can share with students, peers, or as a reference tool while you navigate your IB school year.
Each digital workbook is downloadable and may be be printed when you begin your Ibtrove session. Consider it your unique repository of observations and reflections that you can share with students, peers, or as a reference tool while you navigate your IB school year.
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Certificate of Completion
Earn a digital certificate that can be used for re-licensure (depending on your state or country).
Global Politics Toolkit Structure
School Purchase
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Looking for IB books for your Global Politics classroom?
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DP Global Politics Contributor Team
Melanie Peterson-Nafziger
DP GloBAL PoLITICS Teacher & DP Coordinator
Melanie has been teaching IB Global Politics, along with DP History and TOK since 2007. She has been the IB Coordinator at her school since 2012 and on the board of the MNIB regional association since 2014. She leads professional development workshops on ATL, integrating ToK and the LP, assessment, unit planning, service learning, and foster global competency at her school. She also has experience coordinating the CAS and EE programs.
Anu Dean
DP Global Politics Teacher
Anu has been teaching since 2005. She has taught in schools around the world including in Morocco and South Korea. Her teaching focus has always been on student-centered learning, writing across the curriculum, and using a flipped classroom. She is passionate about teaching Global Politics and has her masters in multicultural urban education.
Some questions we hear often...
How does the toolkit help me with IA & EA?
This mini toolkit includes both content to deepen your knowledge of the assessments and 30+ downloadable resources on the EAs and IA. This includes:
- Explanations and examples of how to prepare your students for the Engagement Activity and HL Extension.
- Detailed information on using the rubric to grade your students' assessments.
- Paper 1 and Paper 2 student samples to practice your marking.
- Lesson activities to help you prepare your students for the IAs (EA and HL extension), Paper 1, and Paper 2.
Can an experienced DP Global Politics teacher benefit from using this IB mini toolkit?
Definitely! With over 70+ printable resources and lots of classroom ideas and expert advice, our toolkit includes a wide variety of ideas to spark your creativity and get you excited about teaching DP GloPo.
Can I use this for all my teachers at my school and district?
Yes! This DP Global Politics mini toolkit is designed to work with our other Ibtrove toolkits so all your teachers deepen their knowledge in their IB subject and have classroom examples and downloadables to use in their classroom.
Bundle this toolkit with our other Ibtrove toolkits to create a customized learning plan for your teachers!
Bundle this toolkit with our other Ibtrove toolkits to create a customized learning plan for your teachers!
Ibtrove reviews
“DP Global Politics teacher toolkit is a great resource. Not only you have access to useful and interesting materials, but it also creates the opportunity for the teacher to reflect and design meaningful and interactive lessons. You truly become a facilitator!”
Joana Tornada
DP Global Politics & History Teacher, IB Curriculum Lead at her IB School
"Using Ibtrove courses I was able to get all 20 of my IB teachers trained quickly with minimal disruption to their schedule. Plus we saved quite a bit of money which was the cherry on top."
Richard Gant