MYP Language & Literature Teacher Toolkit 2.1

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Improve teaching skills.
Develop engaging units of inquiry.
Support student learning.
Promote inquiry-based learning.
Access to classroom-tested strategies.
  • Video from Expert MYP educators
  • Downloadable Resources

A few more words about this Toolkit

The MYP Toolkit is a comprehensive resource that helps educators understand the MYP framework and best practices for teaching. It includes classroom-tested strategies for creating authentic units of inquiry and understanding the role of assessment in the learning process.
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Teachers can access a wealth of resources to help them develop an engaging unit of inquiry and gain a deeper understanding of assessment's role through student samples and marking tips. 
Toolkit is an essential resource for MYP teachers looking to improve teaching skills and better support their students.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Does the MYP Toolkit provide any additional resources?

Yes, the MYP Toolkit also offers a variety of materials designed to help teachers create authentic units of inquiry. These materials aim to help students develop the skills and knowledge they require to become active, engaged learners.

Q: Can I use a school purchase order to subscribe to the toolkit?

Yes, you may use a school purchase order. Just email your purchase order to and we will help enroll you into the toolkit.

How long will I have access to the toolkit? 

A full school year! Every subscriber has access throughout the year and can benefit from the resources and updates for that period. Onc the school year ends you will need to re-subscribe to gain access to the new version of the toolkit.